Neema Journey
of Hope

Your purchase of Mama Faith’s Olive Spread directly supports Neema Journey of Hope!

Neema Journey of Hope is a non-governmental organization (NGO) in Homa Bay County, Kenya, Africa.

Founded in 2016 by Mary Nelima Makisu, (pictured), her mission is helping orphaned children and elderly people in her community. Neema Journey of Hope provides basic housing, food, clothing and education, and maintains a farm where the children help to raise chickens, eggs and goats, as well as planting and growing food crops. They currently serve over 60 children and several seniors. 
Funding is now needed to build a large center so the children can all live together and go to school in one place.
Mama Faith’s Olive Spread direct donations provide a substantial and growing amount of funds which go to basic needs, our Hen and Egg program, seeds and farming supplies, construction materials, books, and school supplies.
All projects and purchases are under Mary Nelima Makisu’s dedicated and loving supervision. 

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